Want to get a Masters Degree?

Masters of Arts in Ministry and Leadership (MAML Program)

Do you want to get a ministry based Masters degree, but…

You do not have a lot of money?

You do not have the time?

You need to keep your job while you study?

Judson University offers a Masters degree that will allow you to do all of those and more. The Masters of Arts in Ministry and Leadership Program (MAML Program) is an 18 month accelerated program with 12 classes that focus on Practical Theology. No matter what your position in ministry, this program can be applied to your position and to help improve your ministry.

This program utilizes a cohort model, so you will go through the program with the same people in all 12 classes together. You will start the program and graduate with the same students. I had the honor to go through the program with five other people who had a desire for ministry. You also will do one class at a time, so you do not have to keep track of multiple classes and worry about getting multiple projects done at the same time.

Top Four Reasons To Be in the Masters of Arts in Ministry & Leadership Program

  1. Practical: You will use what you are studying into your own ministry. I and my fellow classmates were able to take the material and help the ministries we were serving during the program. It does not matter your position in ministry, you will be able to apply the classes to your ministry.

  2. Cost: Yes, there is a cost, but when you compare it to other schools, the MAML program is more affordable and worth every penny.

  3. Time: 90% of the program is done online. So, you do not have a set class time to keep and you can complete assignments during a time that works for you. There are a few days that you will need to get together for the program. However, you will be able to keep your job and be a part of the program.

  4. Holy Lands: The MAML Program has a required two week pilgrimage to the Holy Lands. As well as two classes that are a part of this trip. You will travel throughout the the country of Israel. You visit some of the most famous cities like Caesarea, Masada, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, take a hike on the Jesus trail near the Sea of Galilee and more. Also, all of the pictures on this website (except one) are from the trip I took with the MAML Program in 2022.

Interested in the MAML Program? Click on the “contact” button to send me an email. You can also click on the picture to the right and it will take you to the program page on the Judson website.