John 2:1-12

               We see that Jesus and some of his disciples attending a wedding in Cana which is about 10 miles from Nazareth in the Galilee region. The disciples that are at the wedding are not all twelve. We only see four. Most likely it would be Andrew, Peter (Simon), Philip, and Nathaniel. We also see Mary, the mother of Jesus is attending this wedding. Maybe she had friends or family a part of the wedding. And that is why she was there. And since it is so close to Nazareth, it was easy for her to be at this event. Now, for us in today’s culture, 10 miles would be a just down the street for our morning coffee. But in this time frame, it would be a about half-day’s trip if you go fast enough, but it could also be longer. So, the reason for Mary being at the wedding meant that she knew the family of the wedding.

               In this wedding, the wine runs out, which is not good for the couple that got married. For us today, if a party runs out of food, the owners just say, “Sorry everyone, we are all out.” And people might be upset, but with this big event, the food would run out. However, during this time period, it would be very bad for someone to run out of food at a celebration like this. In fact, people could get fined and have this shame be their label for their whole marriage. So, even if they are the perfect couple, and married for 50 years, they would still be labeled as this couple who don’t provide enough food at a party.

               Mary’s attitude and not wanting to help out with the situation. However, this is actually a polite way to talk to Mary. This was the nice way of saying, “Mom, I do not answer to you, I only answer to God.” Jesus then decided to go help the couple and performed His first miracle. He had people fill clay jugs with water. Then, to take the liquid out and serve it, which was the best wine of the wedding.


John 2:13-25


John 1:35-51