John 2:13-25

               We now see Jesus heading to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover. As Jesus walks into the Temple, he sees that Temple courts are filled with people selling animals for sacrifices. Now, people might have connected this moment in Matthew 21. However, that event was must closer to the death and resurrection of Jesus. The event that we see here in John 2 is closer to the beginning of the ministry of Jesus.

               People have filled the Temple Courts and turned it into a market place. Those who decided to sell these animals realized that they could make a massive profit. Also, this then caused confusion on those who made sacrifices and focused more on the sacrifice instead of worshiping God.

               This caused Jesus to have righteous anger and started to fill over the tables. Jesus also started a small stampede of the animals. Jesus then told the Jews that they needed to destroy the temple and that He would raise it up in three days. Now, Jesus was not talking about building a physical temple, but of His resurrection. That he would rise from the day after three days.


John 3:1-21


John 2:1-12