John 3:31-36

               In this section of scripture, it is unclear if this is John the Baptist or the Apostle. But we do know that this is an important part to the deity of Jesus. We see that Jesus is from heaven, which means his words are greater than any other religious teacher. They are even greater than my words. Even though I am a pastor, my words are not as important or greater than those of Jesus. Human teachers are limited by what we have here on earth.

               Even though the teachings of Jesus are clear and understandable, mankind rejected Him.

               Now, there are a few that do accept Jesus. The one who accepts Jesus says that God is trustworthy.

               Jesus speaks the truth of God. He has no limit. God gave Jesus the Spirit and has no limit. Unlike us humans who have limits, Jesus has no limits.

               In verse 34, we see the phrase, β€œthe one who God sent.” 39 times in the Gospel of John, we see this phrase. This affirms the deity of Jesus and his origin. John is talking about how Jesus is from the Father.

               Man has only two options. Believe in Jesus or Reject Jesus. Now, when we are talking about this subject. It is not just simply accepting that Jesus actually walked on the earth. This is believing or rejecting Jesus as the Son of God. That Jesus is the only way to the Father.

               That we see that the one who accepts the Son (Jesus) has eternal life. The one who does not accept Jesus will not have life.

               There is no other way. It is through Jesus that we can be saved. Just as we saw with Jesus and Nicodemus, that when one accepts Jesus into their hearts, they will not parish but have eternal life.


John 4:1-45


John 3:22-30