John 4:1-45

               We see that Jesus and His disciples are going from Judea to Galilee. Normally, Jews would avoid the region of Samaria. This is the region that is between Galilee (north) and Judea (south). This is because the people of Samaria are half Jewish and half Gentile. So, they are not considered to be fully Jewish. Because of this, there was a rivalry between the Jews and the Samaritans. But this time, the disciples go through the region.

               Jesus is sitting by a well and His disciples went into the town nearby to get food. While Jesus was waiting, a woman came to the well, and Jesus asked her if He could have a drink. This woman thought that this Jewish man was crazy for talking with her. Jesus talked to her about how He has living water. Living water, this is very different compared the water she had been getting from the well. She thought that if she would never thirst again, then she would never have to work again. But this is not the physical water. But the spiritual water.

               Even though this woman was not Jewish, Jesus spent time with her and talked with her about Salvation. This is how we need to approach talking with people about the Gospel. It does not matter who people are or where they come from, they are loved by God. So, we are to share the good news of Jesus Christ with everyone.


John 4:46-54


John 3:31-36