John 4:46-54

               So, we see Jesus traveling to Cana. We are not sure on the reason on why He is traveling there. This is the place where Jesus performed his first miracle back in John 2. Along the way, Jesus encounters a royal official, who was an official for Herod Antipas. This is the son of Herod the Great. The leader most likely knew that this Jesus person performed great things and wanted to talk with him. His son is sick and we see in verse 47 that it says that his son is close to death. So, this guy is willing to do anything to have his son get better.

               Jesus responded with the focus that people only believe when there are signs and wonders, but this was not focused on the royal official but to all people. The people were really focused on the show that Jesus brought. It was about the signs that Jesus made. People would have only thought that This Jesus person could do some kind of “magic show.” Turning water into wine: that’s a cool trick. But Jesus did not come to do a show, He came to save the world.


               Jesus told the official that his son will live. It was most likely at this point that the royal official believed that his son will live. When the official was heading back, he ran into his servant. The servant informed the official that his son was alive and he is better.


The official asked at what time did his son get better. The servant replied that it was at the seventh hour (1 pm). and that was the exact time when Jesus said that his son would be healed.


People believe that church is too boring and needs to be more exciting. There is always a desire to bring more people to church, which is great! However, we should not turn church into a concert or into a magic show. It is to be a place of worship. A place where people come to learn about Jesus and what He calls us to do.

There should not be a focus on what appeals to people but what appeals to God.


John 5:1-15


John 4:1-45