Joshua 1:10-18

               Joshua has taken command of the Israelites. He now gives his officers new orders to be ready in three days. Now, Joshua might have given these orders to his men. However, these orders were from God Himself. The time has come for the Israelites to finally head into the Promised Land. He needed to make sure that all of his men are ready to fight and protect their families. What was so unique about these orders is the confidence Joshua had. He said, “You will cross.” Joshua did not say, you might cross, but you WILL cross. Because of the conversation he just had with God. “Be strong and courageous.” Joshua had confidence that they will cross the Jordan River. That famous painting of George Washington and the Colonial Army crossing the Delaware River. We will cross that river. They were to go fight the Hessian(German) Army at Trenton on morning after Christmas.

               Now, Joshua had to go talk with the people from the Tribes of Ruben, Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh. These tribes wanted to stay East of the Jordan river, because the land was good for livestock (Numbers 32 and 34). Moses made a deal with them that they still had to fight with Israel, and then they could have the land East of the Jordan. The tribes agreed to these terms. So, Joshua told these tribes that the time has come for these tribes to fight with Israel. And the Tribes said that they were with Joshua. They plagued their loyalty to him and to God.

               What we get from this event is that everyone is important in ministry. No one can be left behind. It does not matter what it is you are doing in ministry. Even the people who clean the bathrooms are important. There is no task that is too small in the church.


Joshua 2


Strong and Courageous (Joshua 1:1-9)