Joshua 2

               Joshua decided to send out two spies to Jericho. This was the best way for them to figure out how to properly attack this city. Joshua wanted to know of any week points of the city wall and know the moral of the people in the city. Joshua only sent two spies this time, because of the issue of the twelve spies from 40 years prior. There were too many spies that were did not want to go into the Promised Land because they thought there were too many dangers. Also, the two spies today, were given strict orders to only report to Joshua.

               During the time the spies were in Jericho, they were recognized by the king’s soldiers. Most likely, it was because their disguises were not that good so they ran to cover and found a woman named Rahab. She helped them hid from the king’s soldiers. Even though she was a prostitute, she knew about the power of God. Rahab told the spies that the whole city heard of what the God of the Israelites did at the Red Sea and how he took down the Kings of the Amorites. The whole city was scared and the moral was low. When it was safe to leave, the spies were able to climb out of Rahab’s window. Rahab and the spies made an agreement that she needed to have her and her family inside her home during the attack and hang a scarlet cord in her window. This would be an agreement with her and the Israelites that no harm will come to them.

               The spies reported back to Joshua and told them how the people of the city were scared and that God is with them. We need to remember that we need to let God fight our battles for us. It does not matter how difficult the fight is, we need to have faith in God to fight for us.


Joshua 3-4


Joshua 1:10-18