Joshua 13-19

               The fighting is now done and it is time to distribute the land to each tribe of Israel. As we learned earlier in the book, there were two and a half tribes who wanted land on the west side of the Jordan River. So, Joshua made sure that they would get that land as it was a part of the agreement they had with Moses (Numbers 32 and 34). Joshua was keeping his end of the agreement as the two and a half tribes kept theirs.

               Caleb also got land of his own as he was faithful to God by saying that they should go into the Promised Land before the 40 years wondering in the wilderness. He got the land named Hebron in the tribe of Judah. He was also a part of the tribe of Judah so it was not a random spot.

               Now, will all of these details of these seven chapters it can get boring or to specific on who gets what land. It feels like we are talking with the Home Owners Association. We started this book with battles and conquering land. Then it turns into the HOA. However, it is important because God does not forget the details. He looks at everything carefully. If He is looking at the details of the Promised Land, then what about the details of life?


Joshua 20


Joshua 10:16-12:24