Joshua 20

               As a part of the Promised Land, God commanded to have cities as a place of refuge incase a person killed another by accident. This is a place where people can go and have a place to stay while the investigation in happening. Now, this was not just something Joshua made up on his own nor did someone else think of this on the spot. This was thought of long before the Israelites entered into the Promised Land. We see in Ex. 21, Numbers 35, and Deut. 19 that there were to be cities of refuge for unintentional manslayers. These cities were to be appointed after the conquest of the Promised Land, so with last week, we looked at which tribe got which land, and we now see that some of the land would designated for these special places for refuge.

               The practice of getting revenge was in practice throughout the world during this time. In fact, it is even practiced today. For example, we might see some drive by shootings due to a member of a gang was killed. So, they had to ger revenge for their friend/family member. This was a way for people to get a fair trial. Because if a person was wrongly killed, then we have a problem. So, it allows people to cool down and for people to get a fair trial.


               These cities would be about 35-40 miles in diameter. So, while people are literally running for their lives, it allowed the runner to not have longer trip. So, it is not make it to the building to be safe but to the city.

Now, it was not as easy to get into one of these places for someone. So, a random person could not just come up to one of these cities as say, hey it was an accident. At the gate of these cities, the person seeking refuge would have to go through a preliminary trial. Now, this might not be very formal, but it is taken very seriously. If the people at the gate say that is true, then those seeking refuge can enter. But if it doesn’t sound like a true or authentic or an accident, then the seeker of refuge would not be allowed in.

               Then, if found innocent of the main trial, he then had to stay at the city of refuge until the time of the current High Priest dies.

               This is a different system than ours today, but it allows people to get a fair trial and to not have people get revenge so easily.

               This was not only for those who lived in Israel. We see in verse 9, “Any of the Israelites or any alien living among them who killed someone accidentally could flee to these designated cities and not be killed by the avenger of blood prior to standing trial before the assembly.”

               We are to seek refuge in Jesus. Even though we are all guilty, He still lets us into His city of refuge.


John 1:1-14


Joshua 13-19