Joshua 7-8

               With the destruction of Jericho, God gave the Israelites a command that they should not take anything from the Jericho. They were not allowed to have any “spoils of war” as it is known. They needed to destroy everything in the city. They could take some things for the treasury, but nothing for themselves. Now, Achan decided to take some items for himself. This was unknown by Joshua and the others of Israel. Which, this would come to be a big mistake. As the Israelites moved on to attack Ai, their spies said that they only needed a few thousand men to take the city. They advise Joshua to not send the whole army, so Joshua did as his spies advised, but the army was defeated. Joshua was confused and asked God why this happened and how God would fix it and restore His reputation. God told Joshua that He had been faithful but that someone in their camp took something from Jericho, which was not allowed. So, Joshua and the leaders did an extensive search in the camp. Achan admitted that he had taken several items form Jericho. So, Achen and his family were punished and sentenced to death. Then, God spoke to Joshua and told him to attack Ai with the whole army and that they could keep what they find in the city of Ai. The second attack on Ai was a success! Not only did the Israelites conquer the land, but they also got to have the “spoils of war.” This proves that God’s plans are better than our own. If the Israelites talked to God before the first attack, He would have told them that Achen had taken items from Jericho. And we also see that we should put God first in all that we do. It does not matter if it is a battle plan or financial plan. We need to put God first.


Joshua 9


Joshua 6