Joshua 6

               Now, Joshua and the Israelites are going to go attack Jericho. God has given the battle plan and it is a different plan than usual. You see, Joshua was an experienced military leader. So, when Joshua presents this attack plan, it was a true test of faith in God. This battle plan is different than most plans. Usually, the attack plan would try to scale up the walls of a city or find a way into the city as fast as possible. But this plan was not like that. God told Joshua to march around the city walls and to not make a sound. Joshua and the Israelites are to do this for six days. Then, on the seventh day march around the city seven times and when it is done, to give a loud shout. When they do this, then the walls will fall down. So, Joshua gives these orders to the rest of the Israelites, and they followed the plan as God instructed. This was a true test of their faith in God. On the seventh day of walking, they marched around the city seven times and gave a loud shout. After the Israelites finished shouting, the walls of Jericho fell down. The Israelites stormed the city were instructed to destroy everything in the city. The only people that were allowed to survive were Rahab and her family, which the soldiers saw the scarlet cord hanging from her window. Everyone in that house were able to be saved, because of what Rahab did for the spies in Joshua 2. This was a great victory for the Israelites. Not only did they conquer their first city in the Promised Land, but this was test of their faith in God.


Joshua 7-8


Joshua 5:13-15