Psalm 23:1

               This passage, we see that God is described as a “Shepherd.” This is a unique name to describe who God is. Normally, we would hear the names Provider, Protector, Guide, and Healer. But a Shepherd is all of those. There is a uniqueness to the name, “Shepherd.” There is another level of intimacy when it comes to a shepherd. A shepherd is with his flock. Other leaders who might be away from their group. But God is with His flock.

               David also adds the line, “I shall not want.” Now, most people would see this and think that David does not want the shepherd. However, David is not saying that he does not want God. David is saying that he does not want anything else but God. The Lord is so great that he only wants God.

               This is something we need to look into as we put our faith in God. Are we wanting other things in our life? Are we looking to false shepherds? The only shepherd that we should strive for is God alone.


Psalm 23:2


John 5:1-15