Psalm 23:2

               We see that David describes the shepherd leading us to a couple of things. He leads us to green pastures and still waters. It would make sense for a shepherd to lead his flock to food and water. But we see here that there is more to these areas than just physical needs.

               The shepherd leads his flock to peace. However, this is a different kind of peace than what believe peace is. We believe peace is sitting on a beach with a cold drink in our hands and far away from work or responsibility. This is great and we do need some time for a vacation or time of rest. But the issue is that vacation is temporary. The time off would come to an end, and we must head back to work. The peace that God offers is one that will never end.

               The way that God provides us peace is through His Son; Jesus Christ. In John 10:9, we see that Jesus, the Good Shepherd, saves us and will find pasture. In Joh 10, we also see that the Good Shepherd lays down His life for the flock. This is what Jesus did for us. But the only way that we can find true peace is through Jesus Christ.


Psalm 23:1