Genesis 10-11

               We are now is the section where we see the Tower of Babal. This tower was designed with the idea that a god could dwell at the top of the tower. Now, during this time, there was only one language so people wanted to stay together and not spread over the Earth. This was against what God and called the people of the earth to do.

               But then, God confused the languages of the people and there was discouragement among everyone. So, the people of the earth decided to scatter throughout the earth. This is when people understood that the god they worship was no where as powerful God.

               As we see throughout the first eleven chapters of Scripture, we see that God is forgiving and loving. We have seen the people of the earth sin and sin again. But God still loves the people of this world. Even though we sin time and time again, God still loves us all. He loves us so much that He sent His son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins.


Genesis 9