Genesis 5-6

               It has been a long time since the sin of Adam and Eve. In Genesis 5, we see seven generations and the world has gotten worse. Since sin entered the world, man has focused on themselves instead of God.

               However, there was one man who was faithful to God. This man is Noah. And God called to Noah to build an ark because He will send a flood that will destroy the world. This ark would have the animals that walked on the ground and flew in the sky. So, it was going to be a big vessel. In fact, this ark is to be 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high.

               Noah had to have great faith in God as he builds is ark. Not only would he have to have strong faith while building the ark but would also having faith in a world that do not worship God. It is possible that Noah had some help from people in the community to build the ark. So, he would have done some evangelism work. He would talk to people if they would put their faith in God and join them on the ark. However, people would not put their faith in God. They would want to live the way they want to live instead.

               This ark project took 120 years to complete. So, Noah would have been viewed as the town fool. This patience would have taken great faith in God and that is what we need as we follow God. True faith in God requires patience especially in a world that turns away from God.


Genesis 7-8


Genesis 4