Genesis 7-8

               Noah and his family have finally built the ark. After 120 years of ark is complete! There are still some questions that Noah has when it comes to the ark. The first question is, “How long are they going to be on the ark?” God has not given the duration of this voyage. The other question is, “How will the animals come to the ark?” This question is answered.

               The animals started coming to the ark, and they do so in a calm matter. The animals would have been led to the ark and filled the inside. This is one of those moments in the Bible that I would love to see with my own eyes. Seeing all of the animals coming to the ark and filled the different cages and stables.

               God also told Noah that the rains will be come soon. In fact, they had one week until the storm comes. So, there is still time for people to come to God and have faith in Him. But when the rain came, God closed the door. This meant that the time for repentance is over and the time of judgement has come.

               The waters came and destroyed everything on earth. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights. The whole time on the ark lasted for 370 days, which is a little over one year. Noah and his family were told to exit the ark. There is now dry land! The ark was on Mt. Ararat, which is in modern day Turkey.

               Judgment day is coming! This is not to scare you but to warn you. For those who are reading this, I want you on that ark. I do not want you to be left behind. Jesus says in John 10:9, “I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture.’” Just like the ark, there is one way to be saved. I encourage you to look to Christ to rescue you before the storm comes.


Genesis 9


Genesis 5-6