God Also Created Genesis 1-2 Part 2

               Not only did God create the animals, sky, land, etc. but He also created rest. The Hebrew word Shabbat – to cease working, to rest God set this day aside from the other days of the week for His sown special purposes. God made the seventh day special. Now, people would then take this and think that God has limitations and that God has to take a rest. However, God does not need to rest. He could have kept on working. However, we are called to literally take a day of rest because God took a day of rest.

               God also created gender. In Genesis 1:27 it says, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Along with gender, God made marriage to be one man and one woman. Now, God did give all that was needed for the world. Except a helper for Adam. Adam could do his work, eat fruit from the trees, and worship God. But he would be alone. So, God made a woman and named her Eve. With the creation of Eve, she was by no means a “lesser creature.” The same God who made Adam made Eve. There was no other animal that could what Eve could do.

               God also created Free Will. We are given the ability to worship Him or to sin against Him. God gave us what we need to follow Him. He gave us what we need in order to worship Him. God gave humans a mind to think. God did not make use stupid. God has given us the ability to choose Him or sin against Him. He gave us hand to do work. If you have a hammer, nails, and wood. You can choose what to make with those items. You can take the hammer, nails, and wood to make a house to provide a safe place. With the same tools; the hammer, nails, and wood, you can build weapons to hurt people.

               So, how are you going to use the tools God gave us?


The Fall - Genesis 3


God Created Genesis 1-2 Part 1