God Created Genesis 1-2 Part 1

               God created the world. Someone had to be the Creator. It is like when you were a kid, and you see that is a plate of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. They had to come from somewhere, someone had to make them. Now, the first thing to think of is your mom made them. When you look at the plate of cookies and they look like mom’ cookies. You take a bite and they taste like mom’s cookies. So, chances are that mom made the cookies. Now, God is eternal, no one created God. He was there in the beginning. We see this in the first verse of Scripture. “In the beginning, God…” God was there in the beginning.

               In verse 2 we see that the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep. This is the condition to the land at this time. It is not exactly a place where humans can survive right. So, God was making a way for humans to have a place for humans to live. It also describes darkness over the surface of the deep. This is chaos and emptiness. But in verse 3, God made light! Then in verse 4, He saw that the light was good and separated the light from the darkness. People have asked that since the Sun, thing that gives off light where did the light come from? It probably came from God Himself. Remember what we found in John 1:5, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” Now that shows the greatness of our God. Not only did He make light, HE IS LIGHT!

We have already seen so much of the greatness of God, and we are only on day 1!

Throughout the week, God created the sky, land, moon, sun, stars, animals, and humans. Throughout this first chapter of the Bible, we see repeated several times, “God saw this it was good.” This is in verses 4, 10, 12, 21, and 25. Then on day six, which is the same day that God made humans, we see that God said the same thing, but with a little twist. In Genesis 1:31 it says, “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.” So, if someone asks you, why didn’t God make us humans perfect? He did! We just saw that God made the world perfect! One the sixth day, God said that the He looked at all He made, and it was VERY GOOD! God didn’t say, it’s okay…or I guess it works…No, God said that the world was VERY GOOD. This means that God made the world perfect! He made humans perfect!


God Also Created Genesis 1-2 Part 2


What is Love?