How accurate is the Bible?

               Have your ever heard people say, “The Bible is so old, it cannot be accurate.” I do agree that that Bible is old. However, we do have evidence that backs up the Bible and its authenticity.

               We see that the Bible is inspired. This means that God guided the authors of Scripture to write the Bible. We find in 2 Peter 1:19-21 that the Bible is fully confirmed and that humans did not create something on their own, but from God alone. They were all led by the Holy Spirit to write the Bible. We also see in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 that “all Scripture is God-breathed.” Paul did not talk about some parts of the Bible, but all of Scripture.

               Looking at the Bible as a whole, it is a collection of 66 books, written by 40 authors over the span of over 1500 years. The authors all came from different aspects of Life. There are authors who wrote about how they had sinned. King David wrote how he was in agony after he had sinned against God. We see Moses write how he killed a man. Paul the Pharisee wrote while he was in Prison.

               We also see that the Bible is Preserved. We have 5,500 had written copies of the New Testament that date from A.D. 100-1400. People were careful when handwriting these copies. If there was one mistake, they would throw out that page. Some people would consider it to be unholy. We also see from the writer Josephus, who was around during the time of Jesus, wrote the book, Antiquities. This book talks about the history of the Jews, John the Baptist, James the brother of John, and Jesus. It refers to Jesus as a doer of surprising works.

               There is so much proof for the Bible, how could it not be accurate?


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