Why do we Study the Old Testament and the New Testament?

               In today’s culture, people have asked, “Why do Christians study the Old Testament, when Jesus is in the New Testament?” And this is a quality question to ask. But here are some questions I like to ask, and people are not allowed to use the Old Testament.

1.      Who is Jesus?

2.      Why did Jesus come to save world?

3.      What did we need saving from?

Now, there are other questions that I can ask, but these get the ball rolling on the idea of why the Old Testament is important to Christianity. By studying the Old Testament, we are able to gain more understanding to our faith and the how important God is.

With the various topics that are brought to attention in the Old Testament, we get the creation account. We see how God made the world and that He spoke words, and the world was made. We also get the law (AKA: Pentateuch or the books of Moses). We are also given the reason why the Israelites are in the certain part of the world. It is known as the Promised Land. We get this information from the Old Testament. We also see the history of the Jews such as the history of kings and famous battles.

One of the most important pieces of information we get from the Old Testament is the prophecy of the coming Messiah. There are over 300 prophecies about the Messiah. The reason why there are so many is to make sure who is the true Messiah.

Now, when we look at the New Testament, we are able to confirm that Jesus was and is the Messiah that was prophesied to come. Not only is the Old Testament given to us to look at the history of the Jews, but to give us the information that Jesus is the Messiah.


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