How Can I Have Strong Faith in Difficult Situations?

               One of the most difficult times to have faith in God is when we are going through trials. And I understand that people go through several difficult challenges. Financial burdens, illness, heartbreak, and so many other forms of challenges can affect our faith in God. But it is the challenges in life that allow us to have a stronger faith in Him. The Apostle Paul talks about how we are to have joy in our sufferings (Romans 5). This concept is a tough challenge. Having joy in challenges is not easy. And it is against what we see in culture today. However, with our sufferings, we can have growth. Just like for those who take care of your garden. Does your produce take one day to grow? No, it takes several months for those seeds to turn into eggplants, peaches, cucumbers, and etc. It takes time for the produce or the flowers to grow, and it is more than just making sure to water the plants. There is a need to tend to the garden. There is a need to get rid of the weeds. There is need to make sure the plants get sunlight.

               With all of the difficult times people have and will go through. There is a need to have faith in God to provide for us and to lead us through the difficult times. Just like with Joseph and the trials he went through. We might say that our trails are too difficult and extremely stressful. But Joseph was sold into slavery by his own brothers. When he was able to get to a position where he had some authority, but then Joseph as was thrown into prison for a crime that he didn’t commit. He was then forgotten and left there. However, Joseph was then summoned by Pharoh. Which he was then put Second in command of all of Egypt. Joseph loved God and had faith in Him! We should take his example and have faith in God.


What is Love?


How can I believe in Something that isn’t Visible?