How can I believe in Something that isn’t Visible?

               It can be difficult to believe in something that is not visible. However, do you believe in gravity? Even though gravity is invisible people believe that it is real. We are not able to put gravity into our hands, but we know that it is there. The same thing applies to God. It might be difficult to understand but we are able to understand that God is real even though we cannot see Him.

               The first think we see is General Revelation. This has been given to everyone. No one is able to say that they are not able to see what God has made. This is the creation we see in the world. We are able to see other humans, animals, plates and all that is around us. This is given to everyone. Now, General Revelation is enough to condemn someone, but not enough to save someone. This comes to Special Revelation. This brings us to the Bible. As General Revelation allows us to see what God made, the Bible allows us to see how He did it. It might be complicated to believe that God made everything out of nothing. So, people tend to create other ways how the world was created such as the Big Bang Theory. This is where a couple of chemicals came together and made what we see today. However, there is no explanation of how these chemicals got there. But, God made the world out of nothing.

               With all of this, there is also a need to have faith in God. Faith that not only He made the world out of nothing but faith that He is the one and only God. Just like with Abraham, Issac, Jacob, and so many others who believed in God. Even though they were not able to see God, they had faith in Him.


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