Joshua 3-4

               It was now time for the Israelites to cross the Jordan River. But the water of the river would be difficult to cross for the Israelites. So, Joshua gave the commands to the Priests, which he received from God to have the Ark of the Covenant be in the Jordan River, and it will stop the waters from flowing. God also told Joshua that He will exalt him today, which means to make great or magnify. But, Joshua did not make himself look good in front of the Israelites. He said that they should watch closely, and they will see the power of God and how He is with them. So, instead of giving himself the glory, Joshua decided to give God the glory. As the Priests entered into the Jordan River, it was still flowing. But then the river stopped, and the Israelites were able to cross the Jordan River on dry ground. When the crossing was finished, Joshua got 12 men, one from each tribe, to take a stone, and stake them at the place where the Priests stood in the Jordan River. And another one in Gilgal. These were to be memorials to remember what had happened on that day. How God helped the Israelites cross over the Jordan River on dry ground. And how they are finally in the Promised Land. As we have seen with all that has happened with the Israelites in this event, we see that they took the time to give God the praise that He deserves. Joshua gave God the credit instead of making himself look good. The Israelites made two memorials to represent what God did for them on that day. We need to give God the glory in all we do. We might not cross a river of dry ground, but God is still worthy of our praise.


Joshua 5:1-12


Joshua 2