Joshua 5:1-12

               The Israelites finally arrived in the Promised Land. After crossing the Jordan river, they are in the city of Gilgal and getting ready to attack Jericho. But before they did that, God wanted Joshua to have the new generation of Israel circumcised. This was because the generation that is in the Promised Land, was not circumcised and that the generation that was already circumcised had died in the wilderness. But now, the new generation will be circumcised. They were to also have Passover. This is now the third time Passover occurred. The first was during the tenth and final plague in Egypt. The second happened at Mt. Sinai, and this is the third time. The Israelites never did Passover while in the wilderness for 40 years. We learn from these events that we need to put God first in all that we do. We need to take the time to truly worship God and praise His name. God wanted the Israelites to not only be physically ready to take over the Promised Land, but to be spiritually ready. It is important that in anything we do, we need to be spiritually ready. To remember that we need to give God the praise that He deserves to have. That He will never leave us or forsake us.


Joshua 5:13-15


Joshua 3-4