Joshua 5:13-15

When Joshua was getting ready to attack Jericho, he went out on his own to think. During this time, Joshua found himself looking at a warrior with a drawn sword. He asked this warrior, if he was with them or his enemies? The warrior replied, “Neither, but as a Commander of the Lord, I have now come.” This warrior was not any ordinary warrior. This was the pre-incarnation appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ. This in just one of the a few events in the Olt Testament that we see the pre-incarnation appearance of Jesus. For example, we see that when Jacob fought or wrestled with God, it was with the pre-incarnation of Jesus. Jacob than had his name changed to Israel, which means wrestled with God. Joshua realized who this person was, had he fell face down and worshiped Him. This was an extra confidence boost that Joshua needed as he was getting ready to attack Jericho. As a leader, one could feel alone, confused, and worried of what decision to make. However, with this Divine Commander, Joshua got the reassurance he needed that he was not alone. Earlier in the book, Joshua talked to God and He told Joshua that He was not going leave him nor for sake him (1:5). This was the extra reassurance for Paul to know that God was still with him and the Israelites. The same is true with us. God has not left nor will he forsake us. We might at times feel alone or confused of what to do, but God is with us every step of the way.


Joshua 6


Joshua 5:1-12