Aren’t all religions the same?

               People today would think that all religions are the same simply because all go to the same place and all religions teach people to be good. However, are all religions the same? When we look at each religion at it’s core, we find that all religions are different. They all talk about an afterlife and being good to others, but there is more to each religion.

               For example, if we look at Judaism, we find that there they use the Old Testament, or the Tanakh. They do not use the New Testament, because it talks about Jesus and that it claims to be the Messiah. In the Tanakh, there are over 600 laws that must be kept or you will not go to heaven. There must be so much stress over keeping these laws so you can enter the afterlife.

               When you compare Judaism to Christianity, there are several differences such as we are not saved by works but by grace (Eph. 2). Jesus is the Messiah and the Old Testament is used to confirm that piece of information. But also, Christianity is the only central religious figure that is still alive. Jesus is alive! All the other religious figures in the world are dead. Jesus is alive. This fact makes Christianity so different compared to other religions.


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