Why are there Problems in the World?

               Something that Christians get asked is, “If God is so loving, then why does He allow bad things to happen?” This is a fair question to ask because people see all of the destruction around us and it cane be difficult to know if God is truly good. However, we are given evidence in Scripture to answer this question.

               Now, initially people are questioning if God is perfect. Because if He is, then He would have made a perfect world. But God did make a perfect world. We see in the first chapter in Scripture that God looked at what He made, and it is “very good” (Genesis 1:31). At the end of creation, God said that the world was perfect. Even after creating humans (Adam and Eve) that the world was perfect. But sin entered into the world after the sin of Adam and Eve. You see, God has given us free choice to sin or to not sin. This allows us to understand the human side of problems in the world. We also see in Genesis 6 that there was a global flood. It had never rained before this moment and because of this event, we now have different weather event like tornados or earthquakes.

               What we can learn from this question is that problems are in the world, because of sin. It was because of sin that we have death and destruction in the world. We see in Romans 3:23 that the “wages of sin is death.” But, we are saved by the blood of Jesus who died on the cross for our sins. It is because of His death, who paid the price, we are free from sin.


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